Már régóta terveztük, hogy szedd magad akcióban elmenjünk epret szedni és lekvárt is főzzünk együtt életünkben először. Június végén végre sikerült :)
Egy barátunkkal, Danival mentünk ki Solymárra, és mindent fotóztunk.
10 kg epret akartunk szedni, de végül majdnem 17 kg lett a termés...
10 kg epret akartunk szedni, de végül majdnem 17 kg lett a termés...
Tévhit, hogy a lekvár sok cukor és/vagy tartósítószer miatt áll el, így mi ezek nélkül készítettük.
A kulcs a fertőtlenítésen és a vákuumképzésen van, íme a receptek amik alapján dolgoztunk- eddig úgy néz ki, jól sikerült - hála Istennek!
For a while we've been planning on picking strawberries and making jam out of them together for the first time in our lives. We could finally make it at the end of June :)
We went to Solymár (close to Budapest) with a friend of ours, Dani to pick strawberries in a big field.
It was a lot of un and we also took a few pictures.
We wanted to pick 10 kg but we ended up with 17!
Many people believe that jam doen't go bad because it is full of sugar and/or preservatives, but it is actually not true, so we made our jam without these.
The key is disinfection, you need to boil the jars and the lids carefully and make sure to create a vacuum in the jars. We were doing it based on some reciepts we found on the internet (in Hungarian) and it seems that thankfully, it worked!
For a while we've been planning on picking strawberries and making jam out of them together for the first time in our lives. We could finally make it at the end of June :)
We went to Solymár (close to Budapest) with a friend of ours, Dani to pick strawberries in a big field.
It was a lot of un and we also took a few pictures.
We wanted to pick 10 kg but we ended up with 17!
Many people believe that jam doen't go bad because it is full of sugar and/or preservatives, but it is actually not true, so we made our jam without these.
The key is disinfection, you need to boil the jars and the lids carefully and make sure to create a vacuum in the jars. We were doing it based on some reciepts we found on the internet (in Hungarian) and it seems that thankfully, it worked!
Úgy néz ki pár üveg kicsit megsavanyodott :(